Wordless Wednesday-Hide-N-Seek
Happy 50th Birthday Dr. Seuss!!!
This year is Dr. Seuss's 50th Birthday. Don't forget to have the kids send Dr. Seuss a birthday card (For every official Cat in the Hat Birthday Card received by mail or online before March 1, 2007, Random House Children's Books will donate one book to First Book (up to 1,000,000 books)). I love Dr. Seuss books!! They are so fun to read to children. My favorite book is The Foot Book, Benjamin can tell you that. Next week, Benjamin's school doing activities all week long and they are offically celebrating on March 2, 2007.
Categories: Benjamin Growing Up, Wordless Wednesday
Happy Valentines Day Everyone!!!
Will you be my Valentine? If you will, please sign my Mr. Linky. You don't have to have a Blog or even a google account. Just sign your name and you can even leave a comment if you like :).
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
I am glad I have a
Blog friend like
I know this is not a poem, but I love this song. It brings back memories from when I was little in dance class. Click here if you want to hear this song.
You Are My Sunshine
The other night dear, as I lay sleeping,
I dreamed I held you in my arms,
but when I woke dear, I was mistaken,
and I hung my head and cried.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
you make me happy when skies are gray
you'll never know dear, how much I love you,
please don't take my sunshine away.
I'll always love you and make you happy
if you will only say the same
but if you leave me to love another
you'll regret it all some day
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
you make me happy, when skies are gray,
you'll never know dear, how much I love you,
please don't take my sunshine away.
You told me once dear you really
loved me that no one else could come
between but now you've left me and
love another you have shattered
all my dreams.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
you make me happy, when skies are gray,
you'll never know dear, how much I love you,
please don't take my sunshine away.
Words and Music by
Jimmie Davis and Charles Mitchell
recorded in 1931
Jimmie Davis
During the school day, the children get to look at books and share what they see. One of the mothers who visits on occasion took this picture. I thought it was cute. Sitting next to Benjamin is Michael (on the right), Bailey, and Willah.
He works at Stein Mart as a Merchandising Sales Manager. He manages approx. 10 people. He loves his job because he gets to spend more time with his family than his previous job. Stein Mart sells mens, womens, home decor, and shoes at 20% - 60% below Department Store prices. Stein Mart is all over the United States. They are headquarted in Jacksonville, Florida. Check out their website.
Several people have asked me what exactly what I do. I am an Administative Specialist/Database Administrator. I work for a Contractor (USAE) who supports the Corp of Engineers and other contractors over in Iraq. The program is called Coalition Munitions Clearance. Here are a few articles that describes what we do over in Iraq.
Coaliton Munition Clerance
Defense Link
Journal of Mine Action
It's our niece Becca's Birthday today
We wanted to wish her a ...
Happy Birthday!!
We hope you enjoy your special day!!!
Uncle Griff, Aunt Chrissy, and Benjamin
It snowed!! Can you believe it!!! It hardly ever snows in Huntsville, Alabama. I think it has snowed(actually sticking to the ground) maybe twice since I have lived here (10 years) Griff stayed up last night until 1a.m. and took pictures of it physically snowing. Benjamin enjoyed waking up to snow. Some schools were opening late or if you lived far out, you were off of school. Hope you enjoy the pictures...There are new pictures on the photo page.